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MetalFinish News

The NS DM1100 Z

The NS DM1100Z gives you consistent linear finish on the surface with a brighter shine on stainless steel, steel or aluminum parts cut by laser, punching or shearing.


The DM1100 Z was designed in mind to be integrated with the DM1100 C edge rounding machine so that deburring and edge rounding can be achieved in one go!


The DM1100 ZC S-Line

The NS DM 1100 ZC S-Line deburrs and rounds edges on inside and outside contours of stainless steel, steel or aluminum parts cut by laser, punching or shearing.

The machine was developed to give you flexible and very easy operation. Standard features include a high grip conveyor belt, a variable conveyor belt feed rate and a variable abrasive belt speed as well as cross belt speed. 

The New Addition to NS Maquinas' LMD 2500!

The new LMD 2500 is a long belt machine with a flexible abrasive belt which enables the work of flat surfaces as well as corners or edges of materials. This machine is right for curved shapes, square tubes, metal sheets and as well as for weld removing on boxes.


This machine now includes an additional deburring and edge rounding head capable for interchanging grinding discs, scotch pads and abrasive brushes. This allows you to get deburring and edge rounding within a stroke sander.

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The New NS DM1100 K

The new DM1100 K is a heavy-duty deslagging machine used for thick steel deburring. This machine has one oscillating power brush to remove big burrs up to 1100mm in width. This machine can also be used for surface finishing with different brushes.


For more information, please visit NS Maquinas Website.

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Demo Truck Information

Our Demo Truck is available for customers that are in a 500-mile radius of MetalFinish LLC and for those wanting to run their sample parts on any of our machines.


The best part of this new Demo Truck is that we at MetalFinish LLC will come to you! We will help assist you in running your sample parts so you can see the finish you want to achieve. Don't forget this is a way for you to learn how to run the machine of your choice and see it in person.

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50 Corporate Avenue, Plainville, CT 06062

Contact Us: 860-747-6560 |

MetalFinish LLC
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